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Platform development


This summary should give you a detailed setup description for initiating the OpenCTI setup environment necessary for developing on the OpenCTI platform, a client library or the connectors. This page document how to set up an "All-in-One" development environment for OpenCTI. The devenv will contain data of 3 different repositories:


Contains the platform OpenCTI project code base:

  • docker-compose (docker or podman) ~/opencti/opencti-platform/opencti-dev
  • Web frontend (nodejs / react) ~/opencti/opencti-platform/opencti-graphql
  • Backend (nodejs) ~/opencti/opencti-platform/opencti-frontend
  • Worker (nodejs / python) ~/opencti/opencti-worker


Contains a lot of developed connectors, as a source of inspiration for your new connector.

Client python

Contains the source code of the python library used in worker or connectors.


Some tools are needed before starting to develop. Please check Ubuntu prerequisites or Windows prerequisites

Clone the projects

Fork and clone the git repositories

Dependencies containers

In development dependencies are deployed trough containers. A development compose file is available in ~/opencti/opencti-platform/opencti-dev

cd ~/docker
#Start the stack in background
docker-compose -f ./docker-compose-dev.yml up -d

You now have all the dependencies of OpenCTI running and waiting for product to run.

Backend / API

Python virtual env

The GraphQL API is developed in JS and with some python code. As it's an "all-in-one" installation, the python environment will be installed in a virtual environment.

cd ~/opencti/opencti-platform/opencti-graphql
python3 -m venv .venv --prompt "graphql"
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools
yarn install
yarn install:python 

Development configuration

The API can be specifically configured with files depending on the starting profile. By default, the default.json file is used and will be correctly configured for local usage except for admin password.

So you need to create a development profile file. You can duplicate the default file and adapt if you need.

cd ~/opencti/opencti-platform/opencti-graphql/config
cp default.json development.json

At minimum adapt the admin part for the password and token.

    "admin": {
      "email": "",
      "password": "MyNewPassord",
      "token": "UUID generated with"

Install / start

Before starting the backend you need to install the nodejs modules

cd ~/opencti/opencti-platform/opencti-graphql
yarn install

Then you can simply start the backend API with the yarn start command

cd ~/opencti/opencti-platform/opencti-graphql
yarn start

The platform will start logging some interesting information

{"category":"APP","level":"info","message":"[OPENCTI] Starting platform","timestamp":"2023-07-02T16:37:10.984Z","version":"5.8.7"}
{"category":"APP","level":"info","message":"[OPENCTI] Checking dependencies statuses","timestamp":"2023-07-02T16:37:10.987Z","version":"5.8.7"}
{"category":"APP","level":"info","message":"[SEARCH] Elasticsearch (8.5.2) client selected / runtime sorting enabled","timestamp":"2023-07-02T16:37:11.014Z","version":"5.8.7"}
{"category":"APP","level":"info","message":"[CHECK] Search engine is alive","timestamp":"2023-07-02T16:37:11.015Z","version":"5.8.7"}
{"category":"APP","level":"info","message":"[INIT] Platform initialization done","timestamp":"2023-07-02T16:37:11.622Z","version":"5.8.7"}
{"category":"APP","level":"info","message":"[OPENCTI] API ready on port 4000","timestamp":"2023-07-02T16:37:12.382Z","version":"5.8.7"}

If you want to start on another profile you can use the -e parameter. For example here to use the profile.json configuration file.

yarn start -e profile

Code check

Before pushing your code you need to validate the syntax and ensure the testing will be validated.

For validation

yarn lint

yarn check-ts

For testing

For starting the test you will need to create a test.json configuration file. You can use the same dependencies by only adapting all prefix for all dependencies.

Tests are using dedicated indices in the Elastic database (prefixed with test-* or the prefix that you have set up in test.json).

The following command will run the complete test suite using vitest, which might take more than 30 minutes. It starts by cleaning up the test database and seeding a minimal dataset. The file vitest.config.test.ts can be edited to run only a specific file pattern.

yarn test:dev

We also provide utility scripts to ease the development of new tests, especially integration tests that rely on the sample data loaded after executing 00-inject/loader-test.ts.

To solely initialize the test database with this sample dataset run:

yarn test:dev:init

And then, execute the following command to run the pattern specified in the file vitest.config.test.ts, or add a file name to the command line to run only this test file.

yarn test:dev:resume

This last command will NOT cleanup & initialize the test database and thus will be quicker to execute.


Install / start

Before starting the backend you need to install the nodejs modules

cd ~/opencti/opencti-platform/opencti-front
yarn install

Then you can simply start the frontend with the yarn start command

cd ~/opencti/opencti-platform/opencti-front
yarn start

The frontend will start with some interesting information

[INFO] [default] compiling...
[INFO] [default] compiled documents: 1592 reader, 1072 normalization, 1596 operation text
[INFO] Compilation completed.
[INFO] Done.
[HPM] Proxy created: /stream  -> http://localhost:4000
[HPM] Proxy created: /storage  -> http://localhost:4000
[HPM] Proxy created: /taxii2  -> http://localhost:4000
[HPM] Proxy created: /feeds  -> http://localhost:4000
[HPM] Proxy created: /graphql  -> http://localhost:4000
[HPM] Proxy created: /auth/**  -> http://localhost:4000
[HPM] Proxy created: /static/flags/**  -> http://localhost:4000

The web UI should be accessible on

Code check

Before pushing your code you need to validate the syntax and ensure the testing will be validated.

For validation

yarn lint

yarn check-ts

For testing

yarn test


Running a worker is required when you want to develop on the ingestion or import/export connectors.

Python virtual env

cd ~/opencti/opencti-worker/src
python3 -m venv .venv --prompt "worker"
source .venv/bin/activate
pip3 install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Install / start

cd ~/opencti/opencti-worker/src
source .venv/bin/activate


For connectors development, please take a look to Connectors development dedicated page.

Production build

Based on development source you can build the package for production. This package will be minified and optimized with esbuild.

$ cd opencti-frontend
$ yarn build
$ cd ../opencti-graphql
$ yarn build

After the build you can start the production build with yarn serv. This build will use the production.json configuration file.

$ cd ../opencti-graphql
$ yarn serv

Continuous Integration and features cross repository

When a feature requires changes in two or more repositories in opencti, connectors and client-python; then some specific convention must be used to have the continuous integration build them all together.

Naming convention of branch

The Pull Request on opencti repository should be (issue or bug)/number + optional, example: issue/7062-contributing

The pull request on connector or client-python should refer to the opencti one by starting with "opencti/" and then the same name. Example: opencti/issue/7062-contributing

Note that if there are several matches, the first one is taken. So for example having issue/7062-contributing and issue/7062 that are both marked as "multi-repository" is not a good idea.


All Pull Requests involved must have the label multi-repository added in GitHub.