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Retention policies

Retention rules serve the purpose of establishing data retention times, specifying when data should be automatically deleted from the platform. Users can define filters to target specific objects. Any object meeting these criteria that haven't been updated within the designated time frame will be permanently deleted.

Note that the data deleted by an active retention policy will not appear in the trash and thus cannot be restored.


Retention rules can be configured in the "Settings > Customization > Retention policies" window. A set of parameters must be configured:

  • Maximum retention days: Set the maximum number of days an object can remain unchanged before being eligible for deletion.
  • Filters: Define filters based on specific criteria to select the types of objects subject to retention rules.

An object will be removed if it meets the specified filters and hasn't been updated for the duration set in the "Maximum retention days" field.

Retention policy parameters

Verification process

Before activating a retention rule, users have the option to verify its impact using the "Verify" button. This action provides insight into the number of objects that currently match the rule's criteria and would be deleted if the rule is activated.

Items to  be deleted

Verify before activation

Always use the "Verify" feature to assess the potential impact of a retention rule before activating it. Once the rule is activated, data deletion will begin, and retrieval of the deleted data will not be possible.

Retention rules contribute to maintaining a streamlined and efficient data lifecycle within OpenCTI, ensuring that outdated or irrelevant information is systematically removed from the platform, thereby optimizing disk space usage.