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The purpose of this section is to learn how to configure OpenCTI to have it tailored for your production and development needs. It is possible to check all default parameters implemented in the platform in the default.json file.

Here are the configuration keys, for both containers (environment variables) and manual deployment.

Parameters equivalence

The equivalent of a config variable in environment variables is the usage of a double underscores (__) for a level of config.

For example:

"providers": {
  "ldap": {
    "strategy": "LdapStrategy"

will become:


If you need to put a list of elements for the key, it must have a special formatting. Here is an example for redirect URIs for OpenID config:



API & Frontend

Basic parameters

Parameter Environment variable Default value Description
app:port APP__PORT 4000 Listen port of the application
app:base_path APP__BASE_PATH Specific URI (ie. /opencti)
app:base_url APP__BASE_URL http://localhost:4000 Full URL of the platform (should include the base_path if any)
app:request_timeout APP__REQUEST_TIMEOUT 1200000 Request timeout, in ms (default 20 minutes)
app:session_timeout APP__SESSION_TIMEOUT 1200000 Session timeout, in ms (default 20 minutes)
app:session_idle_timeout APP__SESSION_IDLE_TIMEOUT 0 Idle timeout (locking the screen), in ms (default 0 minute - disabled)
app:session_cookie APP__SESSION_COOKIE false Use memory/session cookie instead of persistent one
app:admin:externally_managed APP__ADMIN__EXTERNALLY_MANAGED false Completely remove the default admin user from the platform and never create it again
app:admin:email APP__ADMIN__EMAIL Default login email of the admin user
app:admin:password APP__ADMIN__PASSWORD ChangeMe Default password of the admin user
app:admin:token APP__ADMIN__TOKEN ChangeMe Default token (must be a valid UUIDv4)
app:health_access_key APP__HEALTH_ACCESS_KEY ChangeMe Access key for the /health endpoint. Must be changed - will not respond to default value. Access with /health?health_access_key=ChangeMe

Network and security

Parameter Environment variable Default value Description
http_proxy HTTP_PROXY Proxy URL for HTTP connection (example: http://proxy:80080)
https_proxy HTTPS_PROXY Proxy URL for HTTPS connection (example: http://proxy:80080)
no_proxy NO_PROXY Comma separated list of hostnames for proxy exception (example: localhost,,
app:https_cert:cookie_secure APP__HTTPS_CERT__COOKIE_SECURE false Set the flag "secure" for session cookies
app:https_cert:ca APP__HTTPS_CERT__CA Empty list [] Certificate authority paths or content, only if the client uses a self-signed certificate
app:https_cert:key APP__HTTPS_CERT__KEY Certificate key path or content
app:https_cert:crt APP__HTTPS_CERT__CRT Certificate crt path or content
app:https_cert:reject_unauthorized APP__HTTPS_CERT__REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED If not false, the server certificate is verified against the list of supplied CAs
app:public_dashboard_authorized_domains APP__PUBLIC_DASHBOARD_AUTHORIZED_DOMAINS Empty string List of domain name that can display public dashboard in an embedded iframe. Empty string means none, '*' means all
app:graphql:armor_protection:disabled APP__GRAPHQL__ARMOR_PROTECTION__DISABLED true Disable GraphQL armor protection
app:graphql:armor_protection:max_depth APP__GRAPHQL__ARMOR_PROTECTION__MAX_DEPTH 20 GraphQL armor protection max depth in queries
app:graphql:armor_protection:max_directives APP__GRAPHQL__ARMOR_PROTECTION__MAX_DIRECTIVES 20 GraphQL armor protection max directives in queries
app:graphql:armor_protection:max_tokens APP__GRAPHQL__ARMOR_PROTECTION__MAX_TOKENS 100000 GraphQL armor protection max tokens
app:graphql:armor_protection:cost_limit APP__GRAPHQL__ARMOR_PROTECTION__COST_LIMIT 3000000 GraphQL armor protection cost limit
app:graphql:armor_protection:block_field_suggestion APP__GRAPHQL__ARMOR_PROTECTION__BLOCK_FIELD_SUGGESTION true GraphQL armor protection, block the field suggestion


Parameter Environment variable Default value Description
app:app_logs:logs_level APP__APP_LOGS__LOGS_LEVEL info The application log level
app:app_logs:logs_files APP__APP_LOGS__LOGS_FILES true If application logs is logged into files
app:app_logs:logs_console APP__APP_LOGS__LOGS_CONSOLE true If application logs is logged to console (useful for containers)
app:app_logs:logs_max_files APP__APP_LOGS__LOGS_MAX_FILES 7 Maximum number of daily files in logs
app:app_logs:logs_directory APP__APP_LOGS__LOGS_DIRECTORY ./logs File logs directory
Parameter Environment variable Default value Description
app:audit_logs:logs_files APP__AUDIT_LOGS__LOGS_FILES true If audit logs is logged into files
app:audit_logs:logs_console APP__AUDIT_LOGS__LOGS_CONSOLE true If audit logs is logged to console (useful for containers)
app:audit_logs:logs_max_files APP__AUDIT_LOGS__LOGS_MAX_FILES 7 Maximum number of daily files in logs
app:audit_logs:logs_directory APP__AUDIT_LOGS__LOGS_DIRECTORY ./logs Audit logs directory


Parameter Environment variable Default value Description
app:telemetry:metrics:enabled APP__TELEMETRY__METRICS__ENABLED false Enable the metrics collection
app:telemetry:metrics:exporter_otlp APP__TELEMETRY__METRICS__EXPORTER_OTLP Port to expose the OTLP endpoint
app:telemetry:metrics:exporter_prometheus APP__TELEMETRY__METRICS__EXPORTER_PROMETHEUS 14269 Port to expose the Prometheus endpoint

Maps & references

Parameter Environment variable Default value Description
app:map_tile_server_dark APP__MAP_TILE_SERVER_DARK{z}/{x}/{y}.png The address of the OpenStreetMap provider with dark theme style
app:map_tile_server_light APP__MAP_TILE_SERVER_LIGHT{z}/{x}/{y}.png The address of the OpenStreetMap provider with light theme style
app:reference_attachment APP__REFERENCE_ATTACHMENT false External reference mandatory attachment

Functional customization

Parameter Environment variable Default value Description
app:artifact_zip_password APP__ARTIFACT_ZIP_PASSWORD infected Artifact encrypted archive default password
relations_deduplication:past_days RELATIONS_DEDUPLICATION__PAST_DAYS 30 De-duplicate relations based on start_time and stop_time - n days
relations_deduplication:next_days RELATIONS_DEDUPLICATION__NEXT_DAYS 30 De-duplicate relations based on start_time and stop_time + n days
relations_deduplication:created_by_based RELATIONS_DEDUPLICATION__CREATED_BY_BASED false Take into account the author to duplicate even if stat_time / stop_time are matching
relations_deduplication:types_overrides:relationship_type:past_days RELATIONS_DEDUPLICATION__RELATIONSHIP_TYPE__PAST_DAYS Override the past days for a specific type of relationship (ex. targets)
relations_deduplication:types_overrides:relationship_type:next_days RELATIONS_DEDUPLICATION__RELATIONSHIP_TYPE__NEXT_DAYS Override the next days for a specific type of relationship (ex. targets)
relations_deduplication:types_overrides:relationship_type:created_by_based RELATIONS_DEDUPLICATION__RELATIONSHIP_TYPE__CREATED_BY_BASED Override the author duplication for a specific type of relationship (ex. targets)

Technical customization

Parameter Environment variable Default value Description
app:graphql:playground:enabled APP__GRAPHQL__PLAYGROUND__ENABLED true Enable the playground on /graphql
app:graphql:playground:force_disabled_introspection APP__GRAPHQL__PLAYGROUND__FORCE_DISABLED_INTROSPECTION true Introspection is allowed to auth users but can be disabled in needed
app:concurrency:retry_count APP__CONCURRENCY__RETRY_COUNT 200 Number of try to get the lock to work an element (create/update/merge, ...)
app:concurrency:retry_delay APP__CONCURRENCY__RETRY_DELAY 100 Delay between 2 lock retry (in milliseconds)
app:concurrency:retry_jitter APP__CONCURRENCY__RETRY_JITTER 50 Random jitter to prevent concurrent retry (in milliseconds)
app:concurrency:max_ttl APP__CONCURRENCY__MAX_TTL 30000 Global maximum time for lock retry (in milliseconds)


XTM Suite

Parameter Environment variable Default value Description
xtm:openbas_url XTM__OPENBAS_URL OpenBAS URL
xtm:openbas_token XTM__OPENBAS_TOKEN OpenBAS token
xtm:openbas_reject_unauthorized XTM__OPENBAS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED false Enable TLS certificate check
xtm:openbas_disable_display XTM__OPENBAS_DISABLE_DISPLAY false Disable OpenBAS posture in the UI


Parameter Environment variable Default value Description
elasticsearch:engine_selector ELASTICSEARCH__ENGINE_SELECTOR auto elk or opensearch, default is auto, please put elk if you use token auth.
elasticsearch:engine_check ELASTICSEARCH__ENGINE_CHECK false Disable Search Engine compatibility matrix verification.
Caution: OpenCTI was developed in compliance with the compatibility matrix. Setting the parameter to true may result in negative impacts.
elasticsearch:url ELASTICSEARCH__URL http://localhost:9200 URL(s) of the ElasticSearch (supports http://user:pass@localhost:9200 and list of URLs)
elasticsearch:username ELASTICSEARCH__USERNAME Username can be put in the URL or with this parameter
elasticsearch:password ELASTICSEARCH__PASSWORD Password can be put in the URL or with this parameter
elasticsearch:api_key ELASTICSEARCH__API_KEY API key for ElasticSearch token auth. Please set also engine_selector to elk
elasticsearch:index_prefix ELASTICSEARCH__INDEX_PREFIX opencti Prefix for the indices
elasticsearch:ssl:reject_unauthorized ELASTICSEARCH__SSL__REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED true Enable TLS certificate check
elasticsearch:ssl:ca ELASTICSEARCH__SSL__CA Custom certificate path or content
elasticsearch:search_wildcard_prefix ELASTICSEARCH__SEARCH_WILDCARD_PREFIX false Search includes words with automatic fuzzy comparison
elasticsearch:search_fuzzy ELASTICSEARCH__SEARCH_FUZZY false Search will include words not starting with the search keyword


Parameter Environment variable Default value Description
redis:mode REDIS__MODE single Connect to redis in "single", "sentinel or "cluster" mode
redis:namespace REDIS__NAMESPACE Namespace (to use as prefix)
redis:hostname REDIS__HOSTNAME localhost Hostname of the Redis Server
redis:hostnames REDIS__HOSTNAMES Hostnames definition for Redis cluster or sentinel mode: a list of host:port objects.
redis:port REDIS__PORT 6379 Port of the Redis Server
redis:sentinel_master_name REDIS__SENTINEL_MASTER_NAME Name of your Redis Sentinel Master (mandatory in sentinel mode)
redis:use_ssl REDIS__USE_SSL false Is the Redis Server has TLS enabled
redis:username REDIS__USERNAME Username of the Redis Server
redis:password REDIS__PASSWORD Password of the Redis Server
redis:database REDIS__DATABASE Database of the Redis Server (only work in single mode)
redis:ca REDIS__CA [] List of path(s) of the CA certificate(s)
redis:trimming REDIS__TRIMMING 2000000 Number of elements to maintain in the stream. (0 = unlimited)


Parameter Environment variable Default value Description
rabbitmq:hostname RABBITMQ__HOSTNAME localhost 7 Hostname of the RabbitMQ server
rabbitmq:port RABBITMQ__PORT 5672 Port of the RabbitMQ server
rabbitmq:port_management RABBITMQ__PORT_MANAGEMENT 15672 Port of the RabbitMQ Management Plugin
rabbitmq:username RABBITMQ__USERNAME guest RabbitMQ user
rabbitmq:password RABBITMQ__PASSWORD guest RabbitMQ password
rabbitmq:queue_type RABBITMQ__QUEUE_TYPE "classic" RabbitMQ Queue Type ("classic" or "quorum")
- - - -
rabbitmq:use_ssl RABBITMQ__USE_SSL false Use TLS connection
rabbitmq:use_ssl_cert RABBITMQ__USE_SSL_CERT Path or cert content
rabbitmq:use_ssl_key RABBITMQ__USE_SSL_KEY Path or key content
rabbitmq:use_ssl_pfx RABBITMQ__USE_SSL_PFX Path or pfx content
rabbitmq:use_ssl_ca RABBITMQ__USE_SSL_CA [] List of path(s) of the CA certificate(s)
rabbitmq:use_ssl_passphrase RABBITMQ__SSL_PASSPHRASE Passphrase for the key certificate
rabbitmq:use_ssl_reject_unauthorized RABBITMQ__SSL_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED false Reject rabbit self signed certificate
- - - -
rabbitmq:management_ssl RABBITMQ__MANAGEMENT_SSL false Is the Management Plugin has TLS enabled
rabbitmq:management_ssl_reject_unauthorized RABBITMQ__SSL_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED true Reject management self signed certificate

S3 Bucket

Parameter Environment variable Default value Description
minio:endpoint MINIO__ENDPOINT localhost Hostname of the S3 Service. Example if you use AWS Bucket S3: (if minio:bucket_region value is us-east-1). This parameter value can be omitted if you use Minio as an S3 Bucket Service.
minio:port MINIO__PORT 9000 Port of the S3 Service. For AWS Bucket S3 over HTTPS, this value can be changed (usually 443).
minio:use_ssl MINIO__USE_SSL false Indicates whether the S3 Service has TLS enabled. For AWS Bucket S3 over HTTPS, this value could be true.
minio:access_key MINIO__ACCESS_KEY ChangeMe Access key for the S3 Service.
minio:secret_key MINIO__SECRET_KEY ChangeMe Secret key for the S3 Service.
minio:bucket_name MINIO__BUCKET_NAME opencti-bucket S3 bucket name. Useful to change if you use AWS.
minio:bucket_region MINIO__BUCKET_REGION us-east-1 Region of the S3 bucket if you are using AWS. This parameter value can be omitted if you use Minio as an S3 Bucket Service.
minio:use_aws_role MINIO__USE_AWS_ROLE false Indicates whether to use AWS role auto credentials. When this parameter is configured, the minio:access_key and minio:secret_key parameters are not necessary.

SMTP Service

Parameter Environment variable Default value Description
smtp:hostname SMTP__HOSTNAME SMTP Server hostname
smtp:port SMTP__PORT 465 SMTP Port (25 or 465 for TLS)
smtp:use_ssl SMTP__USE_SSL false SMTP over TLS
smtp:reject_unauthorized SMTP__REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED false Enable TLS certificate check
smtp:username SMTP__USERNAME SMTP Username if authentication is needed
smtp:password SMTP__PASSWORD SMTP Password if authentication is needed

AI Service

AI deployment and cloud services

There are several possibilities for Enterprise Edition customers to use OpenCTI AI endpoints:

  • Use the Filigran AI Service leveraging our custom AI model using the token given by the support team.
  • Use OpenAI or MistralAI cloud endpoints using your own tokens.
  • Deploy or use local AI endpoints (Filigran can provide you with the custom model).
Parameter Environment variable Default value Description
ai:enabled AI__ENABLED true Enable AI capabilities
ai:type AI__TYPE mistralai AI type (mistralai or openai)
ai:endpoint AI__ENDPOINT Endpoint URL (empty means default cloud service)
ai:token AI__TOKEN Token for endpoint credentials
ai:model AI__MODEL Model to be used for text generation (depending on type)
ai:model_images AI__MODEL_IMAGES Model to be used for image generation (depending on type)

Using a credentials provider

In some cases, it may not be possible to put directly dependencies credentials directly in environment variables or static configuration. The platform can then retrieve them from a credentials provider. Here is the list of supported providers:

Credentials provider Provider key
CyberArk cyberark

For each dependency, special configuration keys are available to ensure the platform retrieves credentials during start process. Not all dependencies support this mechanism, here is the exhaustive list:

Dependency Prefix
ElasticSearch elasticsearch
S3 Storage minio
Redis redis
OpenID secrets oic
Common configurations
Parameter Environment variable Default value Description
{prefix}:credentials_provider:https_cert:reject_unauthorized {PREFIX}__CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER__HTTPS_CERT__REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED false Reject unauthorized TLS connection
{prefix}:credentials_provider:https_cert:crt {PREFIX}__CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER__HTTPS_CERT__CRT Path to the HTTPS certificate
{prefix}:credentials_provider:https_cert:key {PREFIX}__CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER__HTTPS_CERT__KEY Path to the HTTPS key
{prefix}:credentials_provider:https_cert:ca {PREFIX}__CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER__HTTPS_CERT__CA Path to the HTTPS CA certificate
Parameter Environment variable Default value Description
{prefix}:credentials_provider:cyberark:uri {PREFIX}__CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER__CYBERARK__URI The URL of the CyberArk endpoint for credentials retrieval (GET request)
{prefix}:credentials_provider:cyberark:app_id {PREFIX}__CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER__CYBERARK__APP_ID The used application ID for the dependency within CyberArk
{prefix}:credentials_provider:cyberark:safe {PREFIX}__CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER__CYBERARK__SAFE The used safe key for the dependency within CyberArk
{prefix}:credentials_provider:cyberark:object {PREFIX}__CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER__CYBERARK__OBJECT The used object key for the dependency within CyberArk
{prefix}:credentials_provider:cyberark:default_splitter {PREFIX}__CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER__CYBERARK__DEFAULT_SPLITTER : Default splitter of the credentials results, for "username:password", default is ":"
{prefix}:credentials_provider:cyberark:field_targets {PREFIX}__CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER__CYBERARK__FIELD_TARGETS [] Fields targets in the data content response after splitting

Here is an example for ElasticSearch:

Environment variables:

- "ELASTICSEARCH__CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER__CYBERARK__DEFAULT_SPLITTER=:" # As default is already ":", may not be necessary

JSON version:

"elasticsearch": {
    "credentials_provider": {
        "cyberark": {
            "uri": "",
            "app_id": "opencti-elastic",
            "safe": "mysafe-key",
            "object": "myobject-key",
            "default_splitter": ":",
            "field_targets": ["username", "password"]

Another example for MinIo (S3) using certificate:

Environment variables:

- "MINIO__CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER__CYBERARK__DEFAULT_SPLITTER=:" # As default is already ":", may not be necessary
- "MINIO__CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER__CYBERARK__FIELD_TARGETS=[\"access_key\",\"secret_key\"]"

Engines, Schedules and Managers

Parameter Environment variable Default value Description
rule_engine:enabled RULE_ENGINE__ENABLED true Enable/disable the rule engine
rule_engine:lock_key RULE_ENGINE__LOCK_KEY rule_engine_lock Lock key of the engine in Redis
- - - -
history_manager:enabled HISTORY_MANAGER__ENABLED true Enable/disable the history manager
history_manager:lock_key HISTORY_MANAGER__LOCK_KEY history_manager_lock Lock key for the manager in Redis
- - - -
task_scheduler:enabled TASK_SCHEDULER__ENABLED true Enable/disable the task scheduler
task_scheduler:lock_key TASK_SCHEDULER__LOCK_KEY task_manager_lock Lock key for the scheduler in Redis
task_scheduler:interval TASK_SCHEDULER__INTERVAL 10000 Interval to check new task to do (in ms)
- - - -
sync_manager:enabled SYNC_MANAGER__ENABLED true Enable/disable the sync manager
sync_manager:lock_key SYNC_MANAGER__LOCK_KEY sync_manager_lock Lock key for the manager in Redis
sync_manager:interval SYNC_MANAGER__INTERVAL 10000 Interval to check new sync feeds to consume (in ms)
- - - -
expiration_scheduler:enabled EXPIRATION_SCHEDULER__ENABLED true Enable/disable the scheduler
expiration_scheduler:lock_key EXPIRATION_SCHEDULER__LOCK_KEY expired_manager_lock Lock key for the scheduler in Redis
expiration_scheduler:interval EXPIRATION_SCHEDULER__INTERVAL 300000 Interval to check expired indicators (in ms)
- - - -
retention_manager:enabled RETENTION_MANAGER__ENABLED true Enable/disable the retention manager
retention_manager:lock_key RETENTION_MANAGER__LOCK_KEY retention_manager_lock Lock key for the manager in Redis
retention_manager:interval RETENTION_MANAGER__INTERVAL 60000 Interval to check items to be deleted (in ms)
- - - -
notification_manager:enabled NOTIFICATION_MANAGER__ENABLED true Enable/disable the notification manager
notification_manager:lock_live_key NOTIFICATION_MANAGER__LOCK_LIVE_KEY notification_live_manager_lock Lock live key for the manager in Redis
notification_manager:lock_digest_key NOTIFICATION_MANAGER__LOCK_DIGEST_KEY notification_digest_manager_lock Lock digest key for the manager in Redis
notification_manager:interval NOTIFICATION_MANAGER__INTERVAL 10000 Interval to push notifications
- - - -
publisher_manager:enabled PUBLISHER_MANAGER__ENABLED true Enable/disable the publisher manager
publisher_manager:lock_key PUBLISHER_MANAGER__LOCK_KEY publisher_manager_lock Lock key for the manager in Redis
publisher_manager:interval PUBLISHER_MANAGER__INTERVAL 10000 Interval to send notifications / digests (in ms)
- - - -
ingestion_manager:enabled INGESTION_MANAGER__ENABLED true Enable/disable the ingestion manager
ingestion_manager:lock_key INGESTION_MANAGER__LOCK_KEY ingestion_manager_lock Lock key for the manager in Redis
ingestion_manager:interval INGESTION_MANAGER__INTERVAL 300000 Interval to check for new data in remote feeds
- - - -
playbook_manager:enabled PLAYBOOK_MANAGER__ENABLED true Enable/disable the playbook manager
playbook_manager:lock_key PLAYBOOK_MANAGER__LOCK_KEY publisher_manager_lock Lock key for the manager in Redis
playbook_manager:interval PLAYBOOK_MANAGER__INTERVAL 60000 Interval to check new playbooks
- - - -
activity_manager:enabled ACTIVITY_MANAGER__ENABLED true Enable/disable the activity manager
activity_manager:lock_key ACTIVITY_MANAGER__LOCK_KEY activity_manager_lock Lock key for the manager in Redis
- - - -
connector_manager:enabled CONNECTOR_MANAGER__ENABLED true Enable/disable the connector manager
connector_manager:lock_key CONNECTOR_MANAGER__LOCK_KEY connector_manager_lock Lock key for the manager in Redis
connector_manager:works_day_range CONNECTOR_MANAGER__WORKS_DAY_RANGE 7 Days range before considering the works as too old
connector_manager:interval CONNECTOR_MANAGER__INTERVAL 10000 Interval to check the state of the works
- - - -
import_csv_built_in_connector:enabled IMPORT_CSV_BUILT_IN_CONNECTOR__ENABLED true Enable/disable the csv import connector
import_csv_built_in_connector:validate_before_import IMPORT_CSV_BUILT_IN_CONNECTOR__VALIDATE_BEFORE_IMPORT false Validates the bundle before importing
- - - -
file_index_manager:enabled FILE_INDEX_MANAGER__ENABLED true Enable/disable the file indexing manager
file_index_manager:stream_lock_key FILE_INDEX_MANAGER__STREAM_LOCK file_index_manager_stream_lock Stream lock key for the manager in Redis
file_index_manager:interval FILE_INDEX_MANAGER__INTERVAL 60000 Interval to check for new files
- - - -
indicator_decay_manager:enabled INDICATOR_DECAY_MANAGER__ENABLED true Enable/disable the indicator decay manager
indicator_decay_manager:lock_key INDICATOR_DECAY_MANAGER__LOCK_KEY indicator_decay_manager_lock Lock key for the manager in Redis
indicator_decay_manager:interval INDICATOR_DECAY_MANAGER__INTERVAL 60000 Interval to check for indicators to update
indicator_decay_manager:batch_size INDICATOR_DECAY_MANAGER__BATCH_SIZE 10000 Number of indicators handled by the manager
- - - -
garbage_collection_manager:enabled GARBAGE_COLLECTION_MANAGER__ENABLED true Enable/disable the trash manager
garbage_collection_manager:lock_key GARBAGE_COLLECTION_MANAGER__LOCK_KEY garbage_collection_manager_lock Lock key for the manager in Redis
garbage_collection_manager:interval GARBAGE_COLLECTION_MANAGER__INTERVAL 60000 Interval to check for trash elements to delete
garbage_collection_manager:batch_size GARBAGE_COLLECTION_MANAGER__BATCH_SIZE 10000 Number of trash elements to delete at once
garbage_collection_manager:deleted_retention_days GARBAGE_COLLECTION_MANAGER__DELETED_RETENTION_DAYS 7 Days after which elements in trash are deleted
- - - -
telemetry_manager:lock_key TELEMETRY_MANAGER__LOCK_LOCK telemetry_manager_lock Lock key for the manager in Redis

Manager's duties

A description of each manager's duties is available on a dedicated page.

Worker and connector

Can be configured manually using the configuration file config.yml or through environment variables.

Parameter Environment variable Default value Description
opencti:url OPENCTI_URL The URL of the OpenCTI platform
opencti:token OPENCTI_TOKEN A token of an administrator account with bypass capability
- - - -
mq:use_ssl / / Depending of the API configuration (fetch from API)
mq:use_ssl_ca MQ_USE_SSL_CA Path or ca content
mq:use_ssl_cert MQ_USE_SSL_CERT Path or cert content
mq:use_ssl_key MQ_USE_SSL_KEY Path or key content
mq:use_ssl_passphrase MQ_USE_SSL_PASSPHRASE Passphrase for the key certificate
mq:use_ssl_reject_unauthorized MQ_USE_SSL_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED false Reject rabbit self signed certificate

Worker specific configuration


Parameter Environment variable Default value Description
worker:log_level WORKER_LOG_LEVEL info The log level (error, warning, info or debug)


Parameter Environment variable Default value Description
worker:telemetry_enabled WORKER_TELEMETRY_ENABLED false Enable the Prometheus endpoint
worker:telemetry_prometheus_port WORKER_PROMETHEUS_TELEMETRY_PORT 14270 Port of the Prometheus endpoint
worker:telemetry_prometheus_host WORKER_PROMETHEUS_TELEMETRY_HOST Listen address of the Prometheus endpoint

Connector specific configuration

For specific connector configuration, you need to check each connector behavior.


If you want to adapt the memory consumption of ElasticSearch, you can use these options:

# Add the following environment variable:
"ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms8g -Xmx8g"

This can be done in configuration file in the jvm.conf file.