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Notifier samples

Configure Teams webhook

To configure a notifier for Teams, allowing to send notifications via Teams messages, we followed the guidelines outlined in the Microsoft documentation.

Teams notifier sample

Template message for live trigger

The Teams template message sent through webhook for a live notification is:

        "type": "message",
        "attachments": [
                "contentType": "application/",
                "content": {
                    "subtitle": "Operation : <%=content[0].events[0].operation%>",
                    "text": "<%=(new Date(notification.created)).toLocaleString()%>",
                    "title": "<%=content[0].events[0].message%>",
                    "buttons": [
                            "type": "openUrl",
                            "title": "See in OpenCTI",
                            "value": "https://YOUR_OPENCTI_URL/dashboard/id/<%=content[0].events[0].instance_id%>"

Template message for digest

The Teams template message sent through webhook for a digest notification is:

    "type": "message",
    "attachments": [
            "contentType": "application/",
            "content": {
                "$schema": "",
                "type": "AdaptiveCard",
                "version": "1.0",
                "body": [
                        "type": "Container",
                        "items": [
                                "type": "TextBlock",
                                "text": "<>",
                                "weight": "bolder",
                                "size": "extraLarge"
                            }, {
                                "type": "TextBlock",
                                "text": "<%=(new Date(notification.created)).toLocaleString()%>",
                                "size": "medium"
                    <% for(var i=0; i<content.length; i++) { %>
                        "type": "Container",
                        "items": [<% for(var j=0; j<content[i].events.length; j++) { %>
                                "type" : "TextBlock",
                                "text" : "[<%=content[i].events[j].message%>](https://YOUR_OPENCTI_URL/dashboard/id/<%=content[i].events[j].instance_id%>)"
                            }<% if(j<(content[i].events.length - 1)) {%>,<% } %>
                        <% } %>]
           }<% if(i<(content.length - 1)) {%>,<% } %>
                    <% } %>
   "dataString": <%-JSON.stringify(notification)%>