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Protect sensitive configuration

Some administrative actions and configuration modifications via the user interface can lead to data loss during ingestion, loss of data visibility for users, disruption of predefined automations, slowness , etc. To protect platforms from uncontrolled actions and make administrators' tasks easier, it is possible to restrict the modification of certain configurations to specific users.


Protected elements are clearly identifiable, bounded by a block with an red border and a “Danger zone” chip.



When a configuration is sensitive, it remains visible to user with access rights, but all possible actions are disabled.

The sensitive configurations identified are: - Modification of specific roles and groups - Activation/deactivation of inference rules - Main platform Organization modification - Modification of specific marking definitions - Enterprise Edition deactivation - File indexing pause/reset


The configuration is done in the application configuration file. By default (in default.json), platform_protected_sensitive_config is enabled.

It is possible to activate it around specific areas in the platform, as listed previously. It is also possible to choose which Roles, Groups or Marking definitions will be protected.

By default, built-in Groups , Roles and Markings are protected: - Roles default, administrator and connector - Groups default, administrators and connectors - Marking definitions TLP and PAP

Once the platform is running, a platform administrator can restrict access to the sensitive configuration scoped in the platform settings through a capability in the RBAC, via Settings > Security > Roles > Capabilities list. Only users with Allow modification of sensitive configuration capability enabled will be able to modify sensitive configurations.



  1. With a user having the capability “Manage credentials” or “Bypass all capabilities”, go into parameters/security
  2. Create a new role called “Danger Zone Administration”
  3. Give it the capability “Allow modification of sensitive configuration”
  4. Create a group “Danger Zone Administrator”
  5. Add a user of your choice (yourself for instance): at this stage, you should be able to manage any area under danger zone.
  1. Follow the above steps
  2. Once your user can manage the danger zone, go to the administrator group & assign the Danger Zone Administration role to it.
  3. All your admins should now be able to edit anything flagged as danger zone.

Disable the danger zone

  1. Edit your config file to apply this configuration
"protected_sensitive_config": {
      "enabled": false,
      "markings": {
        "enabled": true,
        "protected_definitions": ["TLP:CLEAR", "TLP:GREEN", "TLP:AMBER", "TLP:AMBER+STRICT", "TLP:RED", "PAP:CLEAR", "PAP:GREEN", "PAP:AMBER", "PAP:AMBER"]
      "groups": {
        "enabled": true,
        "protected_names": ["Administrators", "Connectors", "Default"]
      "roles": {
        "enabled": true,
        "protected_names": ["Administrator", "Connector", "Default"]
      "rules": {
        "enabled": true
      "ce_ee_toggle": {
        "enabled": true
      "file_indexing": {
        "enabled": true