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Breaking changes and migrations

This section lists breaking changes introduced in OpenCTI, per version starting with the latest.

Please follow the migration guides if you need to upgrade your platform.

Breakdown per version

This table regroups all the breaking changes introduced, with the corresponding version in which the change was implemented.

Change Deprecated in Changed in
GenerationScenario Mutations in OpenCTI - OpenBAS 6.5 6.8
Removing bi-directional stream connectors 6.3 6.6
Promote Observable API 6.2 6.8
SAML authentication parameters 6.2
Major changes to Filtering API 5.12

OpenCTI 6.5


GenerationScenario Mutations in OpenCTI - OpenBAS

The mutations related to GenerationScenario have been deprecated due to changes in their signature and response format. These updates provide more detailed information when generating scenarios.

For example, if an attack pattern does not exist in the OpenBAS catalog, the response will now include a list of the missing these attack pattern identifiers.

For more details, see this migration guide

OpenCTI 6.4.11

Breaking change

Webhook template are now restricted to a list of authorized functions. A new template cannot be created if it contains unauthorized function, and existing templates cannot be updated with unauthorized functions.

In case a function is required in webhook template in addition of default safe list, it can be added to your own risk by overiding APP__NOTIFIER_AUTHORIZED_FUNCTIONS.

For example:

APP__NOTIFIER_AUTHORIZED_FUNCTIONS="[\"if\", \"for\", \"forEach\", \"while\", \"stringify\", \"Date\", \"toLocaleString\"]"

OpenCTI 6.3


Removing some stream connectors

Some bi-directional stream connectors have been divided into two distinct connectors:

  • An external import connector that gathers information from external organizations, applications, or services into OpenCTI.
  • A stream connector that transfers OpenCTI data to third-party platforms.

The existing connectors affected by this change will be removed and replaced with these two new connectors.

For more details, see this migration guide

OpenCTI 6.2


Change to the observable promote API

The API calls that promote an Observable to Indicator now return the created Indicator instead of the original Observable.

For more details, see this migration guide.

Breaking Changes

Change to SAML authentication

Upgrading passport-saml library introduced a breaking change with respect to the default SAML parameters regarding signing responses and assertions.

For more details, see this migration guide.

OpenCTI 5.12

Breaking changes

Major changes to the filtering API

OpenCTI 5.12 introduces a major rework of the filter engine with breaking changes to the model. A dedicated blog post describes the reasons behind these changes.

Please read the dedicated migration guide.