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Indicators Lifecycle Management


OpenCTI enforces strict rules to determine the period during which an indicator is effective for usage. This period is defined by the valid_from and valid_until dates. All along its lifecycle, the indicator score will decrease according to configured decay rules. After the indicator expires, the object is marked as revoked and the detection field is automatically set to false. Here, we outline how these dates are calculated within the OpenCTI platform and how the score is updated with decay rules.

Setting validity dates

Data source provided the dates

If a data source provides valid_from and valid_until dates when creating an indicator on the platform, these dates are used without modification. But, if the creation is performed from the UI and the indicator is elligible to be manages by a decay rule, the platform will change this valid_until with the one calculated by the Decay rule.

Fallback rules for unspecified dates

If a data source does not provide validity dates, OpenCTI applies the decay rule matching the indicator to determine these dates. The valid_until date is computed based on the revoke score of the decay rule : it is set at the exact time at which the indicator will reach the revoke score. Past valid_until date, the indicator is marked as revoked.

Score decay

Indicators have an initial score at creation, either provided by data source, or 50 by default. Over time, this score is going to decrease according to the configured decay rules. Score is updated at each reaction point defined for the decay rule matching the indicator at creation.


This URL indicator has matched the Built-in IP and URL decay rule. Its initial score at creation is 100.

Indicator overview

Right next to the indicator score, there is a button Lifecycle which enables to open a dialog to see the details of the indicator's lifecyle.

Indicator lifecycle


Understanding how OpenCTI calculates validity periods and scores is essential for effective threat intelligence analysis. These rules ensure that your indicators are accurate and up-to-date, providing a reliable foundation for threat intelligence data.