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Native feeds

Live streams


The best way to consume OpenCTI data, whether it is through a stream connector or within another OpenCTI instance, is to use the live streams. Live streams are like TAXII collection (ie. serving STIX 2.1 bundles) but under steroids. This means that live streams are supporting:

  • create, update and delete events depending on the filters ;
  • caching already created entities in the last 5 minutes ;
  • resolving relationships and dependencies even out of the filters ;
  • they can be public (without authentication).

Live stream


To better understand how live streams are working, let's take a few examples, from simple to complex.

Given a live stream with filters Entity type: Indicator AND Label: detection. Let's see what happen with an indicator with:

  • Marking definition: TLP:GREEN
  • Author Crowdstrike
  • Relation indicates to the malware Emotet
Action Result in stream (resolve-dependencies=false) Result in stream (resolve-dependencies=true)
1. Create an indicator Nothing Nothing
2. Add the label detection Create TLP:GREEN, create CrowdStrike, create the indicator Create TLP:GREEN, create CrowdStrike, create the malware Emotet, create the indicator, create the relationship indicates
3. Remove the label detection Delete the indicator Delete the indicator
4. Add the label detection Create the indicator Create the indicator, create the relationship indicates
5. Delete the indicator Delete the indicator Delete the indicator

TAXII Collections

OpenCTI has an embedded TAXII API endpoint which provides valid STIX 2.1 bundles. If you wish to know more about the TAXII standard, please read the official introduction.

In OpenCTI you can create as many TAXII 2.1 collections as needed. Each of them can have specific filters to publish only a subset of the platform overall knowledge (specific types of entities, labels, marking definitions, etc.).

TAXII Collection

After creating a new collection, every systems with a proper access token can consume the collection using different kinds of authentication (basic, bearer, etc.)

As when using the GraphQL API, TAXII 2.1 collections have a classic pagination system that should be handled by the consumer. Also, it's important to understand that element dependencies (nested IDs) inside the collection are not always contained/resolved in the bundle, so consistency needs to be handled at the client level.

CSV feeds

OpenCTI is able to publish data in CSV feeds on a rolling period.